
Storm Sandy

We've been talking about this for days and here it is. I really didn't think it was going to amount to anything. I mean really one year to the day from Snowmageddon? Really?
I was super surprised when I got out of the wedding on Saturday (last wedding of the season and it was amazaing, beautiful couple, great day!) and there was a text message from the u that classes are canceled through Wednesday. I wondered what changed over the last few hours. Then I waited all day Sunday worried about having to drive in today when I got the text message late last night that offices were closed too. So far they are saying that there is nothing in our history that comes even close to what this storm will produce. Scary.
I hope everyone stays home safe and sound and we don't lost power to the numbers and situations like last year.
Be safe.


Guess what?

I think most of you have figured this out...

Here are some hints:
I can smell you from here.
I miss full caf coffee and wine and sushi.
I'm planning several big shopping trips in the near future.
If you're looking for me I'm probably in the bathroom or the kitchen trying to figure out what I want to eat.
I cry at the weirdest things.
My brain is full of mush.
This spring will bring more than just april showers.
Hubby and I are over the moon and optimistically cautious at the same time.
If you didn't already guess... I'm pregnant. 
Yup. That's what's new! 



Happy Anniversary

Dear Hubby,
Wow, we did it! Made it! 10 years. Whoa. Yes that means we are older but wiser I think. We have been through a lot and we are stronger for it. You are my best friend and my biggest supporter.
I love you for that. You push me to be a better person and get mad at me when I get down on myself. Thank you.
Tin is the traditional gift for 10 years of marriage because it represents the pliability as a symbol of how a successful marriage needs to be flexible and durable and how it can be bent without being broken. I couldn't have come up with a better example or representation myself.
10 years is absolutely something to celebrate and this year for sure we have something to celebrate. I couldn't be happier that we are adding to our family and embarking on this adventure together. I'm sure that it will come with more bumps and bruises but I'm excited to see how we maneuver the turns in the road. If the past is any indication we will continue to grow together and be stronger for it.
On the way to work today I heard a song that is perfect for the occasion; so in the immortal words of the gang from Grease... You're the one that I want... You are the one I want, ooh ooh ooh honey, the one that I want, the one I need, oh yes indeed.

Love you,


Marriage advice

In keeping with the "10 things" I offer the person I was when I got married these 10 pieces of advice:

1) Be nice. Don't fight mean and don't let the fights last long. Back in the day we used to fight loud and long. What a waste of time and energy.
2) Travel more often! We didn't start taking a regular vacation for a couple of years and we never went back to Europe. Both mistakes.
3) Don't wait to start working on the family. There never is a perfect time.
4) Buy a bigger couch when getting the living room furniture. :)
5) Just get the Escort fixed instead of buying the Saturn. It is expensive to maintain.
6) Plan more date nights. Lots more!
7) Save more money.
8) Listen to your heart when it comes to career advancement. The master's program is long. Think twice about what you want.
9) Be confident in all the decisions that you make. This is something that takes work. Do it.
10) Have lots of fun! Don't waste so much time worrying (bad things happen anyway).

This was probably the hardest list to come up with. Which makes me happy, by the way, because I think that we have a good marriage and that there isn't much I would change in these past 10 years.

love you babe.



10 Things

10 things I hate about hubby:

1) We don't always want to see the same movies. Hubby loves comedies, even the really stupid ones. No thanks.
2) He works with middle schoolers and picks up their mannerisms. Not fun.
3) He only buys and wears black shoes. (Only recently did he buy sneakers in another color.)
4) He doesn't like to throw anything away.
5) He's not great at keeping a secret.
6) He gloats about snow days and summer vacation.
7) He takes up a lot of room in the bed and on the couch.
8) When we were in college he used to be able to wait until the last minute to write a paper and still got an A every time.
9) He does not like to talk on the phone.
10) He loves to get me to come to his office from whatever I'm doing anywhere else in the house so I can read some dumb meme on Facebook.

But really, I love him and this list is all those annoying things that he already knows make me crazy and he loves to do it. No relationship is perfect and knowing that makes ours work.



Anniversary week

This Thursday marks 10 years of marriage for me and hubby.

I present a list of 10 things I love about him:
1) He loves to make me laugh. Tickling, jokes, just general silliness and mostly I laugh because I love to see his big grin right back at me.
2) He loves me when I'm cranky, tired, anxious, nervous, and bitchy. He calls me out on it too.
3) When we are together, be it at a party, event, wedding... it only takes a look for us to understand what the other person is thinking. Of course this didn't develop overnight.
4) He lets me threaten to beat him up. My favorite is "I will kick you in your teeth!" I wouldn't really ever do this but I love to threaten it and he knows that I would never and he lets me threaten it.
5) He lets me lead the way on the major decisions in our life. He trusts me. He knows that I have our future in our heart and since he doesn't want to think long range, I do.
6) He is a good friend. He may not call to hang out or chat forever on the phone but he is loyal and will do a lot for his friends.
7) When it snows really bad and his school cancels, he lets me take his car because it has extra big tires that can drive through anything.
8) He always lets me have a bite of what he's eating. Always. Even the last bite.
9) He doesn't get jealous. We don't always have to be together and he doesn't care if I want to have a weekend or dinner with the girls.
10) He's happy and that makes me happy. ;)

Love you babe. To 10x10 more years!!!


Yucky Rainy Friday

Only made better by a visit to Mom to dissect the uni-brow that was taking over my forehead. Then awesome lunch with my bestie Heather followed by a walk/talk around the mall. THEN some cuddle TV time with the hubby finished off by the celebration of a friend's birthday. The cupcakes were almost as good as the company... ha ha I jest. AND I came home with a bag of tomatillos to make salsa this weekend.  Not so yucky after all.

Have a great weekend.


I thought today would never come.

This weekend was alumni and parents weekend at the u. I have been working towards this since starting the new job. I was so busy and crazy and now it's over and I am happy.
The biggest reason is that I inherited this weekend and wasn't really able to put MY mark on it. I had to go with the flow and business as usual. A lot has changed in my office and I was the fall guy. It wasn't easy, but it was fun and it's over. I'm taking a few days off next week to regroup and then it is full steam ahead to figure this job out and where we will go with it. I am very excited.
In other news; everyone and I mean EVERYONE in my office is sick with something. I am trying to steer clear of this sickness because I HATE being sick. I am upping the vitamins and juice and sleep until the air is clear. :)
Everything else is steady as she goes. The next few things to look forward to are the anniversary and my last wedding of the season. Hubs and I are laying low for the anniversary right now. We will likely go out to a nice dinner but probably not much else. The biggest reason being that we aren't really sure yet what we want to do. We aren't really able to take a big trip right now, and neither one of us has a big gift in mind, so for now it's dinner and then maybe we will figure something else out.
ok peeps, enjoy the rest of your Sunday.


10/10 *update

10th day of 10th month. Seems momentous for some reason that I can't quite put together yet.
I am crazy busy at work this week because my big weekend event is this weekend. I actually can't believe it and wonder what I will do when I come into work on Monday. How is it that I even have time to post you wonder... I don't know, other than I needed a breather.
I miss the random lists so here it is:
  • Hubby and I were supposed to go out to dinner last night but when I got home I was so tired I actually canceled. IF you know me at all I LOVE going out to eat, especially for CTRestaurantWeek, and it took a lot for me to cancel. But it was kinda yucky out and I was out and about most of the morning running errands for the big event, so a night at home was what I ordered.
  • This yucky weather makes me want soup. yum. I love soup.
  • Coffee too. I could drink coffee all day LONG.
  • I started wearing socks. Fall is really here. 
  • Really random: We have an HD TV but we never ordered the HD cable service. Yesterday I happen to be flipping through the channels and we have all the HD channels. Hmmm. Not really sure how that happened or how long ago, but truly not complaining about it.
  • Tonight is class night and I never wanted to skip so badly. I was always the type of student that showed up. I felt that I owed it to the professor. Not feeling that way tonight.
  • I think I ate lunch too fast. My stomach is kinda achy.
  • I just found out that the U is closed from 12/22 through Jan 1. Wahoo. Extra long vaca and I already have some plans of what we are gonna do with all that time. Honey do list being made.
  • I still can't believe that it is 2012. what? really?
  • I have one more wedding to shoot this month. Should be amazing. It is 2 days after my 10th anniversary. Whoa. 
  • I'm ready for apples and apple cider and apple crisp. yum. We were going to go apple picking this last weekend but too many other things came up. Boo. We have plans for the weekend after next. yeah!
  • Have a wonderful 10/10.

*Update- Class got canceled last night. Wahoo. Oh and of course today is 10.11.12. Duh. Momentous and all. :)


October celebrations

This is a big month for birthdays, and of course I have a big anniversary this month. All very exciting.
My nephew is turning 18. CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT I AM OLD ENOUGH TO HAVE AN 18 YEAR OLD NEPHEW!!!!! I remember when he was so little we used to share cookies and watch cartoons together. I took him to the car wash once and it totally scared him. It was hilarious. Or the time I was babysitting and he was jumping on his bed and he jumped too close to the bed post. He got hurt and it was a in a very private place. He sounded like he broke and arm or a leg and when I came running he was very embarrassed and I wasn't quite sure what to do. So I gave him an ice pack and told him to talk to his dad about it when he came home.
My best friend is having a house warming this weekend and I am so excited to celebrate with her. My other best friend will be there and we will be celebrating her new engagement!!! So many exciting things happening.
Of course the most exciting is my anniversary. 10 years this year. Whoa. I will post more about it as we get closer.
I love October. It is most definitely not summer anymore and yet it is not the cold and dreary doldrums of winter yet. It's cold enough for sweatshirts and jeans and sneakers. It is perfect for apple picking and burning fires and going to fairs. Perfect for cider and apple fritters and chili. Leaves are turning colors but haven't really started falling yet. Perfect all around!
Happy October!