Hi peeps... gosh these past couple of weeks have been SUPER DUPER BUSY. I think that I've been out every single night... what have I been up to you ask... well let me tell you.
* I saw Young Frankenstein at the Bushnell
* I got totally spookified at the Mark Twain House graveyard shift tour
* I had dinner with my sister and her gorgeous family and got to sit out by the fire pit and watch the kids get mesmerized by the fire
* I went to the Durham Fair
* I played Apples to Apples with my peeps and ate Chinese take out
* I went to a bridal shower
* I went to happy hour
* I went out to dinner with my hubby to Firebox and LOVED IT!
* I went to visit my Mom
* I went to a Silpada party with the book club ladies and had a GREAT time.
* I went to celebrate my friend's 30th b-day with champagne and cake... always delish
* I went to Book Club 2's first meeting of the minds and had a faboo time
* hmmm throw in work, grocery shoppping, water aerobics a couple of times a week, a walk around here or there...
And that is what I have been up to. It has been AWESOME.
Next week is another doozy starting in a few hours...
* water aerobics training today and tomorrow.
* dinner and fire pit with friends tonight.
* first lecture at school Monday
* Tuesday screening for Where the Wild Things Are
* Thursday I've had no less than 3 invites and I have another event at school
* Friday and Sunday is BRAND: New at Hartford Stage (check it out peeps) (Shout out to HANA!!!!!)
* Saturday is the Aids walk... let me know if you are interested in donating or walking.
Ok... really I gotta get going.
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