
New post

I keep checking in on all my peeps to see who posted what and what everyone is up to... and realized it has been over a week since I posted.
So here are my happenings (in list form):
- Finished one class, got an A
- Started my next class (and actually just finished the first homework assignment)
- Made super yummy fish tacos for dinner the other night
- Spent Friday near the shore with one of my besties H.
- Watched "The Fantastic Mr. Fox" and thought it was fantastic
- Watched "My Sister's Keeper" and did not like the changes from the book
- Counting down the days until VACATION
- Am on mini-vacation today, continuation from Friday... 4 day weekends are the way to go!
- Planted the tomatoes, basil and peppers. Hubby is in charge of keeping it alive this year.

More soon!

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