
Home Again...

I'm home again. I'm getting better with the back but now my nose is running and I'm feeling a scratch in my throat. What the heck. I'm starting to take it personally and go CRAZY. I was supposed to be great in '08... what up?
I'm really trying to make the best of it. I making soup and roasting some veggies... I might even make those cinnamon buns that I've been meaning to make for MONTHS. I just am not that strong a baker and get a little intimidated by the yeast, kneeding, proofing... :) I;m much better at opening the fridge and being able to make a meal with the "leftovers". My favorite soup is fridge soup... it's where I take pretty much everything there is in the fridge that sounds good and put it in a soup. It is why I LOVE those broths in a box that you can buy at the store.

Random thoughts...
When I grow up I wanna be...
a loving caring open minded person.
a creative soul that shares with others.
in an environment with like minded people.

Is that so much to ask...

1 comment:

*the mama said...

feel better lady!

missss you....